Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Passion about work: good one here

When one asks: What about the passion at work? Or in other words are they really asking: How can one have passion at work if one has to actually work? HA

Thursday, November 15, 2007

One more thing

So the custodial parent is in a no win situation. If a major event occurs and they dont call the parent who :left to find his happiness, that parent is angry. If the cusodial parent calls the custodial parent, they are told they cannot handle it.
This is a true story.

Crisis and money

This goes out to all the single parents of teenagers:

How do I respond to the parent who left, but keeps claiming: Why do you only call me when there is a crisis or money?

Do they reallly think that teenagers have one crisis a year and need money only once a year? How can they understand, that to be a teenager is a crisis and to be a teenager is a money pit?

The custodial parent is there every day, every hour, missing work for the teen who sleeps late, missing sleep for the teen who comes home late and providing all the day to day and hour to hour resources needed for them to do their homework, do their projects, have the family dinner, visit with peers, have clean washed clothes, have someone driving in the car with them every day until they get their license, making pizza at midnight, buying special groceries when the friends come over... and 365 days a year. But the one day the ex is called out of 365, he complains he only gets called when there is a crisis or money is needed. DO YOU THINK THIS TEEN DID NOT NEED MONEY THE LAST 365 days??!!!!!!